Sunday, June 8, 2008

2008 Summer Mission: NOW IT IS TIME TO JUST DO IT!

I hearby write this journal after jogging with my close friend white Marcus. Guys it is really hot out there. It is like a heat wave is moving through this summer. We barely made it through and we ran around 8:00pm. Well it has been over a week since I got my wheels. I haven't really done much lately with my car. I haven't even been out of town yet with it. With the cost of gas, I might as well still feel like I don't have a car because I can't go anywhere without considering the cost. I plan to leave town on the 19th to go back home for a wedding. This will give the chance for Momma to take a ride in her baby's new ride. I did manage to give it an oil change and filled her up with her first tank of gas which cost me over fifty dollars. This is one of the reasons I must get rich. Because it is not going to get any cheaper from here. Something will have to be done for all of us. Recently this past week I received a revelation for a prophetic dream I had over a year ago in the month of January. I know when I have a spiritual dream when I receive them. I keep a personal journal in which is was documented then. I probably receive a spiritual dream once every two to four years these days. Usually it is prophetic about something that is about to happen. The events from this dream fulfilled itself out over the course the past year and a half and the message I received from it was "SO DO IT!" which relates to my personal God given assignments. Now I didn't know then exactly what I was suppose to do, and have been racking my brain over the past year trying to figure it out. I have been doing a lot of things. I didn't know what the spiritual dream was referring to specifically. This summer as I battled with knowing that whatever I was suppose to be doing the time is now since the last event from the dream finally took place in the beginning of May. The message was telling me that there is really a lot of loose ends I must clear up before I finally see my major purpose. A great deal of issues I have been avoiding and I need a great deal of order and discipline in my life in order to move forward. Sure I still have a lot of personal issues to uproot from my past but the dream was telling me that I must move forward regardless of how I feel and start putting order in my life. So I have no choice but to Just Do It!!!

1 comment:

Davey Kolk said...

it was great to see ya this weekend.