Sunday, April 27, 2008

What is my new mission?

I hearby write this journal late at night after catching up with my old friend Bonita from college over the phone. Today I ate at Zaxby's with some Baptist Campus Ministry chums, had white Marcus over to watch some Star Trek, and attended another great communion ceremony at Discovery Channel Church. A very blessed Sunday in G-Ville. It has been almost five years since God told me to return back to Greenville after I graduated ECU for my undergrad. Going from couch to couch from homes of my siblings like some loser. And I was pathetic. I came back to G-Ville with no real job plans, barely any money to buy myself an ice cream come, no car or even a dag on driver's license, and as well as a severe case of Depression that is a result of the tramas from your childhood that finally caught up with me my junior year of undergrad. My last mission: to return back to G-Ville and resolve the issues of Depression and insecurities that caused me to not enjoy my college years as much as I would have liked. Needless to say that God has definitely helped me to make up for the emotional struggles I suffered in Depression and much more in overflow. I have been extremely blessed here. I was determined to follow the plan of God's life he set out for me. It didn't make sense to me at the time, but by God at least I had passion for it. Although I did not follow it perfectly, I basically remained on course with a few detours here and there from my own stupidity. But by God, it certainly was a lot of fun. My mission has been successful and it has reached its overall completion. So what is next? What is my new mission? I know I do have a few loose ends to tie up that branched out from my mission back to G-Ville. But now I feel so loss. The passion is gone because the main objective has been acheived. I feel like I no longer have a purpose now. I am looking for the next step and the next challenge. My life is great but I have no real direction right now. Maybe all of you can be satified with good jobs, money, and worldly acheivements. It is easy to get caught up in that. But deep down I feel misearble without purpose. I do believe this summer, I will be doing some more soul searching and dig deep inside myself. We stay the course until it has been revealed on how we should change it. Humbling Forward in a New Era of Faith in 2008! Bowen Out!

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