Monday, May 26, 2008

LFB Financial Summer Summits

Introduction of Purpose

Hello everyone,
During this time of the year I usually reevaluate my financial progress over the past year in order to see how well I have been doing and in what areas I would like to see improve upon and stretch myself to do much better financially for my new fiscal year. I usually implement a new budget plan by the beginning of September. During this time I usually read a few more books on numerous financial authors I have come to respect and appreciate their advice. So far I do read Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki, and Donald Trump. I will probably look into Dave Ramsey next. My goal is not to get rich quick, although I won't stop myself from pursuing wealth. My goal is to simply increase my financial literacy in which I think is helpful and necessary to anyone earning an income. I would like to share what I have learn in small educational increments that I feel is most important and set a strong educational foundation for financial literacy. I see too many people that really need to increase their financial education. Too many are really missing out or will suffer harsh and avoidable consequences from poor financial decisions throughout their early years and will still be hindered by the effects as they approach retirement. I am not a financial expert. In fact I am terrible with math which is why I studied English. But I understand that even though I am not a financial manager, I have a responsibility to still learn all that I can to improve my financial literacy if I expect to succeed in it. So if I can learn this stuff, so can you which is why I want to share what I learn as I learn it or re-familiarize myself with it. If you already know a great deal of this stuff, feel free to share some tips or future authors with me. Let's get started! Bowen Out!

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